Open Access Week 2022

13 October 2022
21 October 2022

Open Access Week 2022

Our RISE collection for Open Access Week 2022 addresses the theme Open for Climate Justice. Climate justice isn’t just about the crucial focus needed to tackle climate change, but about the unequal impact of climate change on vulnerable populations and generations. Open research enables the rapid sharing of critical information and encourages collaboration and dissemination across geographical, scientific, and economical boundaries – and is necessary for shaping the future of our planet.

To read blogs and interviews around this theme, visit our Wiley Network page.

To see what the global community is discussing on social, look for content tagged #OAWeek.

Table of Contents

Open Access

China's next renewable energy revolution: goals and mechanisms in the 13th Five Year Plan for energy

China's next renewable energy revolution: goals and mechanisms in the 13th Five Year Plan for energy Issue , 2022 2022

We review China's 13th FYP development plans, and a number of key supporting policy documents for [renewable] energy. Growth targets for installations of wind and PV are well below the growth levels seen in recent years. Policy attention is focused more strongly on improved grid flexibility, market mechanisms that promote renewables, and efforts to reduce curtailment.

Open Access

Tourism informing conservation: The distribution of four dolphin species varies with calf presence and increases their vulnerability to vessel traffic in the four-island region of Maui, Hawai‘i

Tourism informing conservation: The distribution of four dolphin species varies with calf presence and increases their vulnerability to vessel traffic in the four-island region of Maui, Hawai‘i Issue , 2022 2022

We used data collected by tour operators in Maui to show that schools of false killer whales and spinner dolphins with calves in the region spend time where there is a lot of vessel traffic. We discuss the conservation implications of these findings.

Open Access

Small Island Developing States in a post-pandemic world: Challenges and opportunities for climate action

Small Island Developing States in a post-pandemic world: Challenges and opportunities for climate action Issue , 2022 2022

Participants in the Grow Garden initiative, Trinidad and Tobago. Responses to COVID-19 in Small Island Developing States, such as home gardening to tackle food insecurity, may also support long-term resilience to climate change, but equity must be centered in decision-making. Photo courtesy of UNDP Trinidad and Tobago (used with permission).